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April 2022

April was a fun month! Not much happened, other than usual life things like work, writing, and more. It's getting warmer and warmer out, and I'm not ready for the triple digits yet! We did have a few nice days this month, nice enough to be outside, or to prop a door open at the school.

Speaking of school, I'm counting down the days to summer just like the kids. I've got a countdown going on my whiteboard in my classroom, and every time a student sees it, they always say "Do we really have that many days left?" and I respond the same, "Yup!"

17 days and 2 hours to go!

We finished up a fun color unit and created some awesome polaroids. I'm in the process of hanging them up outside my classroom. Next week we start painting, and then it's just smooth sailing from here.

Other work related things... I taught a lifeguard class this month, certifying a new batch of lifeguards for this summer! The only cost it came with was a sun burn on the back of my legs and the tops of my feet. But it happens. Sometimes you just forget to reapply sunscreen. And it was during Easter, but we made it through the weekend!

Wedding planning has also been big this month. We're slowly going through our checklist, one thing at a time. Our venue's good to go, and we have a photographer! All we need to work on now is just decorations and all the little things in between. My Pinterest board is filling up with ideas, and I'm starting to look at wedding dresses. Only 321 more days to go.

April was a good month for writing too! I got to work on poetry again, thanks to Escapril for pushing me! It was awesome to have prompts to use, and books to help me get back into writing every day.

All my poems are out in three posts, in batches of ten! You can check them out right here:

As for more writing updates, Camp Wilderocke has been a really fun experiment in getting weekly updates out. There's no real big story to Camp Wilderocke other than little memories of a little summer camp. I have plenty more ideas and will continue working on Camp Wilderocke!

It's been one big experiment to help me prepare for my next two stories. I'm learning how to write in episodic fiction, so my next story, See You Next Summer, will be a more coherent story with a beginning, middle, and end. It will also be told in a episodic format. That story is currently in plotting and character creation stages!

My other story, Phoenix Riders is still in the plotting stages. That one will be my next NaNoWriMo novel to complete for November 2022!

As for more general writing, I'll be digging through old drafts, looking for ideas to write and post about so I can continue posting on Wednesdays. I'm also looking for another writing challenge to do, even if its just little prompts here and there. It'll also be a great time to practice drawing skills, and put my drawing tablet to good use!

That's all for now!

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